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6 Wardrobe Essentials Every Woman Should Own

With election day finally here, many Americans are less than enthused over their choices in the polls. But that shouldn’t stop anyone from exercising their right to vote. In the same way, we all have the opportunity to make an empowering choice each day, except instead of standing in a voting booth to make that... Read More

3 Steps to a Seasonal Room Refresh

You know that time of year when the weather cools down, so you start rotating summer clothes out of your closet and winter clothes in? Well that time is upon us! So why don’t we apply the same principle to our room decor as we do our wardrobe? Good question. While many of us dream of... Read More

How to Shop the Macy's Super Saturday Sale

When I got the opportunity to contribute to Magic Style Shop, I was thrilled. After all, I’m just like you. Sure, our lives may look a little different, but at our core we’re the same: we love our families, work hard, contribute to our communities and have a hard time passing up a great deal!... Read More

3 Holiday Trends for Making your Home Merry

  With Halloween behind us, it’s safe to say the holidays are in full swing! I don’t know about the rules in your house, but in mine, we start decorating this weekend so we can squeeze every minute out of our holiday decor. But I’ll be honest with you, I come from an era where my... Read More

How to Maximize Your Beauty Dollars

Let’s face it, most girls love make up. It starts when we’re little, wanting to play in mom’s make-up drawer with red lipstick and rouge (does anyone even still say ‘rouge’ anymore?). It continues with battles in junior high over ‘How young is too young’ to start wearing make-up. And of course, it continues into... Read More